How to Run Stable Diffusion on Nebula Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Run Stable Diffusion on Nebula Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide
24 May, 2024

How to Run Stable Diffusion on Nebula Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide

Artificial Intelligence Deep Tech Nebula Cloud Computer Vision AI Generative AI HPC

In recent years, generative AI models have transformed the creative landscape, allowing anyone to create stunning visuals from simple text descriptions. Stable Diffusion, one of the most popular models, excels in generating detailed images based on textual prompts. This guide will walk you through running Stable Diffusion on Nebula Cloud, Asia’s first fully managed HPC platform with hardware and software intelligence to automate and optimize engineering workloads.

Overview of Diffusion Models:

Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

- Stable Diffusion: Developed by Stability AI, this open-source model generates high-quality images from text descriptions and has a robust community for support and innovation.

- DALL-E 2 (OpenAI): While not fully open-source, it offers API access and has inspired many open-source projects.

- Imagen (Google): Similar to DALL-E, it's not open-source but influential in the development of related models.

- Midjourney: An AI service that generates high-quality images from text prompts, known for its artistic and unique outputs. It's not open-source but offers access through a subscription-based service.

Text-to-3D Diffusion Models:

- DreamFusion: Generates 3D models from text descriptions, leveraging text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion.

- Point-E: Creates 3D point clouds from textual prompts, representing a significant step in text-to-3D technology.

These models form the backbone of many creative and commercial applications, providing vast potential for research and development.

Stable Diffusion has quickly become a base for several commercial applications due to its flexibility and high-quality generative capabilities. Here are some popular commercial models and platforms that build on top of Stable Diffusion AI:

- DreamStudio by Stability AI - This is a commercial platform that offers access to Stable Diffusion for generating images. Users can create high-resolution images from text prompts, customize the AI outputs, and integrate the technology into their projects through an API.

- Artbreeder - Artbreeder blends images to create new ones using genetic algorithms, and it has incorporated Stable Diffusion to enhance its capabilities. It allows users to adjust and combine images extensively, exploring a vast landscape of potential designs and artworks.

- RunwayML - A platform that integrates machine learning tools into creative projects, RunwayML uses Stable Diffusion to offer powerful image generation capabilities. It's designed to be accessible to artists, designers, and creators without requiring deep technical knowledge.

- NightCafe Studio - NightCafe Studio is another art generation tool that utilizes Stable Diffusion among other models. It is popular for its ease of use and the quality of generated artworks, providing both novice users and professional artists a platform to create unique pieces.

- Lexica - Lexica is a specialized search engine for AI-generated art, heavily utilizing Stable Diffusion. It allows users to search for images based on specific prompts and themes, showcasing the versatility of Stable Diffusion in generating diverse and compelling images.

These platforms have harnessed the capabilities of Stable Diffusion to offer creative and commercial services that cater to a wide range of needs, from professional art creation to casual exploration of generative art.

Stable Diffusion on Nebula Cloud:

Nebula Cloud offers a ready-to-use platform for running Stable Diffusion with customizable GPU configurations and storage options. This setup eliminates the need for complex installations and configurations, allowing users to focus on creative and research work.

Key Features

- Virtual Workstations: Preconfigured Windows 10 Professional and Windows Server workstations with Stable Diffusion AI, NVIDIA Instant NeRF, Multimedia Software tools and Tesla T4 GPUs.

- Quick Setup: Start using Stable Diffusion AI within minutes.

- Data Migration Tools: Easy transfer of data between on-premises systems and the cloud.

- Scalability: Adjust hardware and storage based on project needs.

- In-built Storage: Up to 5TB of SSD for efficient data processing and HDD for archival purposes.

- NICE DCV Protocol: Secure remote desktop access with varying network conditions.

- Preconfigured Software: Includes WinSCP, Adobe Reader, and other essential tools.

- Cost Efficiency: Pay only for the cloud resources used, with free access to Stable Diffusion AI.

Supported Regions:

Currently available in India, Europe, and the USA, supported by AWS Cloud.

Getting Started

Prerequisites: Stable Diffusion requires GPU-enabled virtual machines. Recommended instance type: g4dn.xlarge (4 Core, 16GB RAM, 1 GPU with 16GB Memory) or higher.

Deployment Steps:

- Deploy the Virtual Machine: Follow the provided configurations to create a GPU-enabled virtual machine.

- Connect via RDP or NICE DCV: Use the login credentials to connect to the virtual machine using Remote Desktop Connection.

- Start Stable Diffusion: Double-click the SD - START icon on the desktop. This command shell will load the model and start the webserver.

- Access the GUI: After the model loads, the SD - GUI icon will open the user interface in Firefox.

Using the GUI:

- Prompt: Enter the image description to generate.

- Sampling Steps: Set the number of iterations (30-50 recommended).

- Batch Count: Number of images to generate.

- Creativeness/CFG Scale: Higher values for better prompt adherence.

- Resolution: Supports up to 512x512. Higher resolutions may require adjustments.

- Sampling Method: Select the method for retrieving the image from the neural network.

Additional Features: Includes options for tiling, face restoration, and more.

Image to Image:

The img2img mode allows starting with an existing image and modifying it based on a new prompt. Adjust the Denoising Strength to control how much the original image influences the output.

Advanced Features:

- Loopback Script: Automatically creates new images based on previous outputs.

- Extras Tab: Includes upscaling and other image manipulation tools.

- Text to Mask: Specify parts of the image to modify, useful for inpainting tasks.

Integrating Additional Tools:

Enhance your cloud-based workbench with tools like NeRF Studio, Instant NGP, Blender, Adobe Suite, and deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras). These tools enable complex simulations, multimedia project development, and advanced machine learning research, making the platform a comprehensive solution for academics, researchers, and professionals.

Academicians and researchers are increasingly leveraging models like Stable Diffusion AI for a variety of educational, research, and development purposes. Here's a breakdown of how these groups are using such models, and the potential benefits of providing a cloud-based workbench with ready-to-use Stable Diffusion AI:

Current Uses in Academia and Research:

- Educational Tools: Educators use Stable Diffusion in courses related to AI, computer graphics, and digital arts to provide students with hands-on experience in cutting-edge technology. It helps students understand the practical applications of theoretical concepts.

- Research in AI and Machine Learning: Researchers utilize these models to study the properties and behaviors of generative models, including topics like bias, ethics, creativity, and the limits of automated content generation.

- Creative Arts and Design: Academicians in the arts are exploring how AI can be used as a tool for artistic expression. This includes using AI to generate novel artworks, assist in design processes, or create visual aids for various projects.

- Data Augmentation: In data science and machine learning, Stable Diffusion can be used to generate synthetic data sets for training other machine learning models, particularly where data may be scarce or sensitive.

Benefits of a Cloud-Based Workbench with Stable Diffusion AI:

- Accessibility: A cloud-based solution makes powerful computing resources and AI models accessible to institutions and individuals without the need for significant hardware investments. This democratizes access to high-end AI technologies.

- Scalability: Users can scale their usage up or down based on the project requirements without worrying about physical hardware limitations. This flexibility is crucial for projects with variable computational needs.

- Collaboration: Cloud platforms can facilitate easier collaboration across institutions and geographies. Researchers and students can work together on projects, share results, and iterate rapidly.

- Maintenance and Updates: The cloud provider manages the maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting of the software and hardware, allowing users to focus solely on their research and development work.

Maximizing Development Efforts and Reducing Time to Market:

- Rapid Prototyping: Users can quickly prototype ideas and test hypotheses using pre-installed tools and libraries, significantly reducing the development cycle.

- Pre-configured Environments: Having a pre-configured environment with all necessary dependencies and frameworks saves time that would otherwise be spent setting up and troubleshooting local environments.

- Integration with Other Tools: Cloud platforms often offer integrations with other tools and services (like data storage, analytics, and visualization tools), which can streamline workflows and increase productivity.

- Regular Updates: Users get immediate access to the latest model updates and improvements, keeping them at the cutting edge of technology without additional effort on their part.

- Security and Data Protection: Cloud platforms typically offer robust security features that can be more sophisticated than what individual users might implement on their own, ensuring that sensitive data is adequately protected.

- Cost Efficiency: By using a pay-as-you-go model, users can optimize their spending based on actual usage rather than investing in potentially underutilized local resources.

Providing a cloud-based workbench with ready-to-use Stable Diffusion AI can significantly enhance the capabilities of academicians and researchers, allowing them to push the boundaries of what's possible in their fields while minimizing logistical and technical constraints.


Nebula Cloud’s preconfigured Stable Diffusion setup offers a powerful and accessible platform for generating high-quality images from text descriptions. Whether you are a researcher, educator, or creative professional, this guide provides the necessary steps to harness the full potential of Stable Diffusion AI. Sign up at Nebula Cloud and start exploring the limitless possibilities of AI-generated art today.

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